Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stefon Harris & Blackout- Urbanus

It was a warm night for November in Chicago... just before I enter the infamous Jazz Showcase in the south loop I see them... members of the the contemporary jazz group Blackout! I felt shy at first because I was the only female in a mix of male musicians. Did I mention all of them are just as handsome and polite as can be!

They begin the set with a song.. that was entitled "For You" written by Casey. I have never seen the vocoder played so... romantically. And Stefon Harris on the vibes and marimba.. was majestic. Each phrase and change i felt on so many different levels. People,..... i not only heard them play.... it's like I felt them play. It was like I was the instrument.. and they were playing me! Each note found a part on my body.. and began to protrude through my soul leaving me at this high. Sometimes I found myself just the places known and unknown. And yes that was just off of one song in the set! Just imagine the rest of the show!

I must say if you have not bought the Urbanus Album.. you are missing out on great music.. I think right now my two fav's right now are "Langston's Lullaby".. and "The Afterthought", but I love every tune on this album.. and that's rare!

Go to for info on where to buy his album and for details on up and coming shows check out his myspace page.

Remember: Just live life to the fullest.. it's never to late to live out your dreams! **
~Gira Dahnee
also on twitter @GiraDahnee

Monday, August 10, 2009

Max Well Bad Habbits

Hey if you have not peeped out the new Maxwell single Bad habits. Definitely do so! I love how he begins the song using his falsetto voice ( high voice) and then goes into the chest voice. The piano on here is simple yet soothing. When playing it myself on the keyboard I could see how this began probably as a simple ballad. But I love the progression this song takes. It gives you just enough to inquire what's next!

The percussion and horns in the second verse make you just want to get down dance and do the do all @ one time! The horns so provide an element of live instrumentation that is really works with the percussion of the tune as well as Maxwell's sultry vocals.

What can I say the man's a genius! Keep it up Maxwell. We're glad you are back
